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Emotion, Body & Belief Code

Bildschirmfoto 2021-02-09 um
Bildschirmfoto 2020-02-20 um
Bildschirmfoto 2020-01-13 um
Chakren Farben tenderness usw c by lemur
Chakren Farben tenderness usw c by lemur
Chakren Farben tenderness usw c by lemur
Chakren Farben tenderness usw c by lemur
Chakren Farben tenderness usw c by lemur
Chakren Farben tenderness usw c by lemur

Most physical and psychological complaints are rooted in subconscious imbalances. Using methods as the Emotion, Body and Belief Code, I am working to identify and release unprocessed (trapped) emotional and energetical roots of pain, illnesses, blocks, and other symptoms, as also negative belief systems which need to be released to activate the self-healing powers of my clients. For more information about the Emotion, Body & Belief Code, click here.



As a transformation coach and energy worker, I use energetic methods to support you on your unique inner and outer path, enabling you, to come closer to yourself. To live more in accordance with your inner truth, and to live, and to discover your purpose and potential in this world



Every person has the potential to work with energy. During transformative sessions, I show you how to use energy work to support yourself lovingly and effectively in all areas of your life, leading towards more ease, joy, and fulfillment.



For more information about transformative work with me, click here.



I am happy to support you with your symptoms and on your journey to your personal power, and true self. 




For personal reasons, I’m not offering sessions at the moment. I’m following my inner guidance, which is showing me that a change is happening within me, one that now needs time and space.


If you’d like to stay connected and hear about my journey as an energy worker, and if you’d like me to let you know when sessions are available again, feel free to reach out. I’ll be more than happy to get in touch with you as soon as there are any updates.


​To get in touch, please use the contact form below. 




With love, 




"When meaning is added to

suffering, suffering can be



- Michael Beckwith 





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Bildschirmfoto 2020-02-16 um

Emotion Code, 
Body & Belief Code

Using the Emotion, Body & Belief Code, I am detecting and releasing subconscious roots of physical, emotional, spiritual, and psychological pain.

Find more information about this beautiful and essential work here

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& Manifestation

In transformative sessions, I use energy work to support you in your personal growth.  We open your heart, work on your energy system, help you to perceive the desires from within more clearly, and release blockages, stopping you from following your goals and wishes in life more easily.

Read more about transformative work here.

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Through different energy techniques and the work with the Emotion, Body and Belief Code, we support your chakra system, your connection between heaven and earth, and help your energetic system work even better.

You can read more about working with your chakras here.


Thank you for your message. I will come back to you as soon as there are any news! 


With love,


to know when session will be available again. 



With love,



Contact me

 with Love - Emotional Healing - Eugenia

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